Crystals provide positive and healing energies. They absorb and transform the vibrations around them hence they require cleansing and recharging after regular use to ensure their effectiveness.
Cleansing is done to clear any built-up negative energy. There are several methods used for cleansing:
Using Selenite
The easiest way to cleanse your crystals is by placing them overnight on a Selenite crystal, which is a high vibration crystal and doesn’t need to be charged. It amplifies the energy of all crystals placed upon it.
Exposing crystals to smoke is another powerful method to cleanse crystals. Light a bundle of sage and blow out the flame, then place the crystals in the stream of smoke for a minute to cleanse.
Sound Vibrations
Sound vibrations are one of the most effective ways of cleansing your crystals. In this method, a singing bowl can be used to generate sound vibrations. When crystals are exposed to these vibrations, it clears all the built-up negative energy inside them.
Once you have cleansed your crystals, it is important to charge them regularly to ensure they continue to function at their full potential. Charging gives crystals more energy to work more vibrantly and for longer durations before they need to be cleansed again. Charging your crystal will also increase the intensity of any intentions you place within them.
To recharge the crystals, it is best to expose them to moonlight. Just leave them in the moonlight outside(preferably on full moon nights) and bring them back indoors at dawn.
Leaving crystal jewelry overnight on a Selenite crystal cleanses, charges, reactivates, and amplifies them naturally.
Programming your crystals involves placing intention into them for the specific purpose you would like them to help you with.
To program your crystal, hold it gently in your dominant hand. Start to think about your intention and be specific about what you wish to use the crystal for. If you want it to attract love, describe exactly what kind of love you are looking for. If you are seeking healing, think precisely for which condition and what you want to happen. If you are looking for career growth, think exactly where you wish to see yourself.
When you are totally in tune, say out loud “I program this crystal for {your purpose}”, and trust that your crystal is absorbing your intention. The crystal will now be “charged” with your intention and will help you manifest accordingly.